If all you need is stock fixtures or displays, you probably don’t need us. But if you’re looking to see your unique visions come to life, within budget and delivered when you expect them, then there’s no need to look any further.

We are ProFixture USA, a premier resource for high-end custom fixtures and displays direct from China. Our US-based customer service team is committed to building long-term trusting relationships while seamlessly integrating with our highly-respected Chinese partners to produce the highest quality custom manufactured fixtures and displays. Our team has been working together for as long as we’ve been in business. So we’ve established a true direct link from the US to China.

We’re committed to client confidentiality, too. You’ve seen our fixtures and displays at many major retail outlets and store chains.

What does this mean to you? One seamless company means better control. When you work with us, you don’t have to worry about navigating the often frustrating world of Chinese manufacturing. We’ve already done that. You’ll get the USA-based service you need and understand, and we’ll handle the rest. Less stress and more value for you. No problem for us.

Like we said, it’s all about building relationships.